
Penguin Mist serves a variety of industries by offering climate control solutions through pressurized misting systems.  Penguin Mist’s fog systems are the combination of filtration, pressure boosting control pumps, pressure lines(stainless steel, copper & nylon), atomizing nozzles and fittings.  Fog and misting systems are used for Cooling, Humidification, Dust Suppression, Insect Control and Special Effects.


Fog and misting systems are highly effective for reducing the ambient temperature. Increase profitability and comfort for livestock, employees, customers and home patios with high quality Penguin Mist products.

Dust Suppression

Fog systems are used to suppress fine dust particulates in many industries, but primarily in waste and recycling facilities.


Penguin Mist offers climate control solutions that regulate humidity levels in greenhouse, wine and storage industries. Dramatically improve humidification coverage and productivity with high quality Penguin Mist products.

Special Effects

Install special fog effects into any landscape or water feature to add an exciting element to your home or commercial facility. Professionally designed and professionally installed by Custom Fog Designs.

Fog Fans

Fog fans are an excellent way to distribute cool, clean air where a static line is not as effective.  Custom Fog Designs can retrofit your existing fan or air circulation system with fog or design an all new Fog Fan system tailored to your dairy, shop, restaurant or theme park.  Portable fog fans are also available.